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Causative form (каузативная форма в английском языке). Грамматика и упражнения с ответами

Causative form (каузативная форма в английском языке) грамматика и упражнения с ответами Печерских Н.В. учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №13» г. Братска

I have my house looked after during summer holidays I have flowers in my yard watered three times a week

This man never does anything by hemself. He prefers to have things done for him. I have just had my house cleaned I am having my garden watered at the moment Tomorrow I will have the dishes washed Yesterday I had my lunch cooked

Write down the rule! Have + object + V3 В предложениях каузативной формы действие совершается не самим человеком, а кем-то другим за него.

Tense Have something done Present Simple I have the room cleaned. Past Simple I had the room cleaned. Present Continuous I am having the room cleaned. Past Continuous I was having the room cleaned. Present Perfect I have had the room cleaned. Past perfect I had had the room cleaned. Future Simple I will have the room cleaned. Modals I should have the room cleaned. Be going to I am going to have the room cleaned.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the words in brackets We usually ……………………(the bedrooms/redecorate) every two years. He didn’t fix his car himself, he ………..(it/fix) at the garage. Your hair is too long. You need ……….(it/cut). I’m going to do y food shopping online and I ……….(the food/deliver) to my house. If you can’t see properly, you should ……………..(your eyes/test).

We usually ………………………………….(the bedrooms/redecorate) every two years. We usually ………………………………….(the bedrooms/redecorate) every two years. He didn’t fix his car himself, he …………....(it/fix) at the garage. Your hair is too long. You need ………………(it/cut). I’m going to do my food shopping online and I ..……………………………(the food/deliver) to my house. If you can’t see properly, you should ……………………………..(your eyes/test). have the bedrooms redecorated had it fixed have it cut am going to have the food delivered have your eyes tested